Adding Labels and Legends to the TAP Map Window

Q: How can I add labels to a coverage map?

A: There are several methods of adding label information to a TAP Map Window. Suppose you have a coverage map displayed with boundary lines and a coverage contour:

Simple Text

The simplest method is to use the Text command on the Map Window Control form. Click the "Text" button:


This will display the Map Window Text form To add some text to the drawing, enter the text on the form. You can double click the "Color" area to set the color, and change the text size. To place the text on the drawing, click the "Locate" button:


You will be prompted to click on the map to locate the text. Click a location on the map:


The text is added to the map, aligned to the location you selected:

If you want to change the size, color, or location of the text, use the select button on the Edit Text form:

Then you will be prompted to click on the label you want to modify:

When you click on the label it will change color. Then you can make the changes you want on the Edit Text form:

Click the Update button to apply the changes:

Text Files

You can also bring in text files to add to the drawing, such as a company file with name, address, etc. Click the "Text File" button on the Map Window Control form:


You will be prompted for the text file you want to use. For example, the file SampLogo.TXT can be opened:


The Label Properties form will be displayed:


Double click on the "Color" box to set the color of the label:


A color selection bar is displayed. Click on the color you want to use:


The size of the text on the label can either be set by you, or it can be determined automatically based on the number of lines in the text file and the size of the box you draw for the label. For this tutorial, check the "Auto Size" box. (If the "Auto Size" is not checked you can enter the size and units on the form.)


While the "Auto Size" setting determines the height of the text on the label, you can also exercise control over the width. In most cases, the width of the box you draw will not be exactly right for the length of the text. The Size options allow you to determine which will change, the width of the box or the width of the text. Select "Adjust box width to fit text":


Click the "Continue" button to draw the text file on the map:


You will be prompted to locate the label on the map and draw the area for the label. Click the locations for the corners of the label:


The label will be drawn on the map:


You can also add a legend to the map. Legends contain information about the map that is generated automatically by the program. Click the "Legends" button on the Map Window Control form:


The Legend Selection form will be displayed:


Several types of legends are available, depending on what is included on your drawing:

Only those legend types that apply to the current map are available. For this example, select the "Drawing Types" option:


All of the drawing objects in the file will be displayed in the "Available Legend Information" section. Click the "Add All" button to include all of the objects on the legend. (You also have the option of selecting individual items for the legend).


Click the "Continue" button on the Legend Selection form:


The Label Properties form will be displayed:


Double click on the "Color" box to set the color of the legend:


A color selection bar is displayed. Click on the color you want to use:


The size of the text on the legend can either be set by you, or it can be determined automatically based on the number of lines in the legend and the size of the box you draw. For this tutorial, check the "Auto Size" box. (If the "Auto Size" is not checked you can enter the size and units on the form.)


While the "Auto Size" setting determines the height of the text on the legend, you can also exercise control over the width. In most cases, the width of the box you draw will not be exactly right for the length of the text. The Size options allow you to determine which will change, the width of the box or the width of the text. Select "Adjust text width to fit box":


Click the "Continue" button to draw the legend on the map:


You will be prompted to locate the legend on the map and draw the area for the legend. Click the locations for the corners of the legend:


The legend will be added to the map. In this case, note that the width of the text has been adjusted to fit the box:


You can also add information about the facility and other parameters used to compute the coverage shown on the map. If multiple coverages are included on the map, multiple options will be shown in the Available Legend Information list. Click the "Coverage Parameters" option. Note that only one selection can be made at a time for coverage parameters, so the "Add All" button is not available:


Select the coverage information and click the "Add" button to add to the list of legend information to draw on the map:


Click the "Continue" button on the Legend Selection form:


The Label Properties form will be displayed. As before, select the color and text size options you want, then click the "Continue" button:


You will be prompted for the legend location. Draw the area for the legend on the map with the mouse as before. The Coverage Parameters Legend will be added to the map:

You can add a scale to the map with the Scale button:

You will be prompted to set the properties of the scale:

Then you will be prompted to locate the scale just as the other labels. The scale will be added to the map:


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